About the HR Emerging Professionals (formerly HR Young Professionals) Special Interest Group: SOCT SHRM has initiated the Special Interest Group for new, emerging professionals in the HR field. This group focuses on topics of interest to emerging members, such as career development, an overview of an HR Generalist role, tips on certification for the PHR/SHPRM, networking opportunities, and discussions with experienced HR professionals, and is meant for emerging professionals with 6 years or less of experience. This is a great opportunity to become involved, and learn about the many functions of Human Resources.
Now is a great time to join the HREM’s SIG and help create a meaningful, rewarding future designed around the group’s interests. Build new relationships! To join, contact Co-Chairs: Joanna Sicuranza, Jsicuranza@ashforth.com & Erica Elmslie, erica@mackeyandguasco.com
HREM’s SIG Advisor:
Amy Aiello
Director of Programs & President Elect
Note: If you are not an SOCT SHRM member, we invite you to two free HREM’s events to get to know us. You will be expected to join the chapter after two meetings. The third meeting forward will require a fee of $20 unless you are an SOCT SHRM member who may attend for free as a benefit of membership. Joining the chapter is an “investment” in your future development. It’s also an opportunity to meet people and develop relationships with other HR professionals. SOCT SHRM offers special HREM’s Membership Rates: Free chapter membership with SHRM NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP or a special HREM’s discount for SOCT SHRM Chapter rates: $40 now through 2017. Join today atsoctshrm.org! Visit our Membership Center on the website to join.
We would love feedback (email addresses below) on the following topics…
1. Professional development topics of interest.
2. Event ideas
3. Mentorship Program…Would you like to be able to talk to another HR Emerging Professional who can act as a Mentor to you? Think about how great that could be–a sounding board, someone who could offer advice, answer questions, talk about their experience. If so, send us an email to let us know! The chapter has put together a program to match you up with another HR Emerging professional. It’s a great opportunity!
4. Other suggestions to enhance the group.
Feel free to share this note and let us know if we should add anyone to our mailing list. We will advise you of the venue for our upcoming events and look forward to seeing you there!
Note: If you are not a SOCT SHRM member, we invite you to two HREM’s events to get to know us. You will be expected to join the chapter after two meetings to continue participation in the group. Joining the chapter is an “investment” in your future career development. It’s also an opportunity to meet people and develop relationships with other HR professionals and build your network. We hope you will join us!
HREM’s SIG Advisor:
Amy Aiello
Director of Programs and President Elect