Please consider joining our growing Southern Connecticut Chapter of SHRM to expand your networking reach, make connections with fellow HR professionals in your field to discuss pertinent topics and develop best practices to answer your questions on HR topics in a timely fashion.
We understand the value of networking and its importance to you throughout your career from multiple perspectives; staying informed, developing your career and in the case of the chapter a means to attend webinars and networking events on a monthly as well as semi monthly basis.
Membership terms run on an annual basis from January 1 through December 31 each year. Members of SHRM national receive a 25% discount. Regular calendar year membership rates are as follows:
Professional Chapter members and national SHRM Members: $60.
Professional Chapter members but not national SHRM Members: $80.
(Attention National SHRM members: Please be sure to designate SOCT SHRM as your primary local chapter under chapter ID 133 when renewing national membership as the chapter receives recognition for your national membership.
Service Providers: Must be SHRM National and local SOCT SHRM members:$60. Please be sure to designate SOCT SHRM as your primary local chapter under chapter ID 133 when renewing national membership as the chapter receives recognition for your national membership.
Student Members: $20 through December 31.
SOCT SHRM HR EMERGING PROFESSIONALS-HREPs (formerly HR YOUNG PROFESSIONALS-HRYPs) SIG participant’s special dues rates: With National SHRM membership: FREE chapter membership through December 31. National SHRM membership ID number required.
SOCT SHRM HR EMERGING PROFESSIONALS-HREPs (formerly HR YOUNG PROFESSIONALS-HRYPs) SIG Chapter member but not national SHRM members: $40 through December 31.